Our Story

Founded in 2021 by Catul Kiti and his wife Sara, the Japhet Family Foundation - named in honor of Catul’s father the late Ambassador Kiti - was established to develop, strengthen and empower by giving priority to:

  • Supporting the educational needs of children and young adults.

  • Supporting economic development opportunities.

  • Ensuring a safe and healthy future for all members of the communities from where we come.

Our work is currently centered in Kenya but it is our goal to expand our work to serve the many other communities from which our family comes including Ethiopia, Haiti and the United States.


We create generational change through access to education and community development.


To develop, strengthen and empower communities by giving priority to:

  • Providing for the educational needs of children and young adults

  • Supporting economic development opportunities

  • Ensuring a safe and healthy future for all members of the Vitengeni community


  • Empowerment - We empower the communities we serve through education and economic development, aiming to improve lives for generations. Our goal is not to provide lifelong support, but to collaborate with communities to understand their needs and priorities, then provide the tools and resources required to foster lasting, sustainable change.

  • Stewardship - We are committed to being responsible stewards of the communities we serve, addressing today’s challenges with solutions that are sustainable, just and prioritized by the community members themselves.

  • Respect - Our work is people-centered, and we prioritize treating everyone with respect, dignity, and grace.